How to Run Linux on RISCV in Arty A7-100T FPGA
It’s been tempting for me to try running open-source software on top of open-source hardware. SiFive provides a bitstream for Arty A7 called Freedom, but it seems that the repository is dead now. The other interesting alternative to try is VexRiscv, and everyone keeps posting about Arty A7 35T while I only have the 100T…
How to Cut and Download Youtube Videos using Command Line
In some of my free time, I am actively using Instagram, not to show off or seeing people’s life that I don’t even care about. For me, this social media is perfect for everyday reminders for positive feeds. Usually, people choose a youtube video at the best moment, then re-post it on Instagram as a…
Git Pristine: How to Pristine Clean Your Dirty Git Repository
I found this command useful and I love this alias! git pristine, a command that will wipe any dirt on your local git copy, any untracked files, and the cache will be removed to make it pristine clean as the remote origin.
Now I Understand: What is Independent and Identically Distributed (IID) Random Variable
I was working with my friend on a Random Number Generator (RNG) research paper. We need to evaluate the quality of our random bitstream result using the NIST SP800-90B entropy test.
Simple Way To Change Pop Os Default Login Monitor
I use three monitors, one of which is in a vertical position. Sometimes the login screen on Pop OS appears on the main monitor, sometimes it appears on a vertical monitor, but in a horizontal position. Like it or not, I have to log in with my head tilted. Although if you look at the…
QEMU: How to Enable Plugin Build
By default, QEMU does not enable the plugins. So you need to enable it on configure step by using –enable-plugins.
This Makes My RISC-V Trap Handler Does Not Work
I was working on a RISCV assembly when suddenly I got a weird issue. The exception does not get caught in the trap handler. I thought this was a QEMU bug on the RISCV target because the trap handler works on my other code. Then after a day of digging, I figured out that it…
The RISCV ISA Documentation Is Better than RISCV Green Card
I hosted the RISCV ISA Documentation. This is really helpful if you want to learn about the assembly syntax or learning the RISCV itself. As a beginner, this documentation is more effective instead of constantly checking at the green card. 🙂
My Quick Ways to Auto Format Code in VSCode
I don’t have much time to format my code to looks neat in VSCode (Ctrl + Shift + I), but the default formatting from Visual Code is not efficient for me. It makes the first bracket on function placed alone in one line. This makes my code longer!
Stuck at Debugging RISCV on Arty A7 using J-Link
Running the RISCV Processor I got an Arty A7 board coming to my desk, and I’m curious to try running a RISCV processor on it. Not long after following the tutorial from Digilent, I was able to program the RISCV processor on this board just by using a MicroUSB cable. Running the Program on RISCV…