My Quick Ways to Auto Format Code in VSCode
I don’t have much time to format my code to looks neat in VSCode (Ctrl + Shift + I), but the default formatting from Visual Code is not efficient for me. It makes the first bracket on function placed alone in one line. This makes my code longer!
How to Start a Fresh Raspberry Pi without Monitor
I mean using SSH because HDMI, mouse, keyboard, and monitor will eat up the whole space in my desk. Prepare the Raspberry Pi OS Firstly we need to get our microSD card with bootable Raspberry Pi OS. I recommend using Raspberry Pi Imager to make this process easier. We just need 3 steps, download the…
How to Fix Raspberry Pi SSH Hangs or Not Responding
I just set up a Raspberry PI 4 Model B in the laboratory to automatically connect to the lab’s router. I found that each random minutes the SSH is hangs and not responding.
How to Install Xilinx using Command Line in Four Steps
I just got some problem with Xilinx 2020.1 installation on my Pop OS. The installer was stuck and gives me an error message: This seems like the GUI problem on the installer. So let’s just continue using batch mode.
GIT Tutorial: How to Push to a New Repository
Set up your global git configuration first. git config –global user.name “Your Name” git config –global user.email “id@your.site” If you want to create a new repository:
How to View Pointer as Array in Visual Studio Code
It is irritating when you have to write and memorize this syntax in the middle of debugging, but let me just put it in here for future use: *mypointer@10 Replace mypointer with your pointer name, and replace 10 with how much array you want to view.
Install Hangeul/Korean Font Support on Raspberry Pi 4
No need to talk, just type: $ sudo apt install ibus ibus-hangul fonts-unfonts-core That’s it, now reboot, $ sudo reboot and go to naver.com to check. 🙂